Recent Imagery from INFOMAR/INSS

Multibeam Sonar Images

The wreck of the Lusitania off Kinsale
The Lusitania wreck off Kinsale
3d image of the west porcupine
3d image of the west porcupine
3d view of Europe and edge of the Irish continental shelf
3d view of Europe and edge of the
Irish continental shelf


INSS Coverage to October 2004


Image of the Burford Bank, Irish Sea
On this page are just a sample of maps and imagery emerging from recent survey work in the Irish Sea (Dublin Bay extending to the Burford Bank), around Clew Bay and Killala Bays and offshore Donegal. The Celtic Explorer, the Celtic Voyager and the ConCat are the ships that have provided the imagery together with an airplane operated by Tenix LADS Corporation...

Dublin Bay coverage


Progress of INSS off Donegal

Overall Zone 3 Gravity Coverage

Ridge Feature in Donegal Bay

Clew Bay coverage end 2003
Clew Bay coverage end 2003
Killala Bay coverage, 2003
Killala Bay coverage, 2003
Close up of Killala Bay
Close up of Killala Bay


1:60,000 Bathymetry Chart, Donegal
1:60,000 Bathymetry Chart, Donegal
1:60,000 Shaded Relief Chart, Donegal
1:60,000 Shaded Relief Chart, Donegal

1:60,000 Backscatter Chart, Donegal


Dolphin at play!




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