Port of London Authority visits INSS


Port of London
Port of London

Following on from contacts made at Hydr04 in Galway in November 2004 and subsequent discussions with the Port Hydrographer, John Dillon-Leech, the Port of London Authority visited the GSI Marine Section on June 9th this year.

The purpose of the meeting was for the Authority to learn from the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) experience in data acquisition and management.The Authority has a lot of survey worked planned around the London basin over coming years and they felt GSI's knowledge of, in particular, equipment options, software requirements and data management infrastructure would be of use to them in their planning process.

GSI provided demonstrations during the full-day meeting encompassing our nearshore survey capabilities and results from Dublin and Dun Laoire Bays. We also outlined our data archiving systems and highlighted ancillary data issues, in particular the kinds of problems that arise in this area. Data users within the INSS team demonstrated software packages such as Fledermaus and Caris and provided advice on various processing systems and packages available on the market today. This was useful as the Authority is currently carrying out an evaluation process. The Authority sent 4 of their team including Hydrographic, GIS and Information Systems personnel. The meeting was highly productive for both parties and the Authority has extended an invitation to GSI for a return visit.


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