TV Shoot for National Seabed Survey - 17 September

View as the TV crew approach the anchored Explorer

On September 17th, the day after the Celtic Explorer completed her 2003 surveying activity for the National Seabed Survey, a TV crew boarded her from Rossaveal, Co. Galway. Representing Stopwatch TV, a TV production company that has been commissioned by RTE to produce a Science Series, entitled Scope, they spent a half day on board taking all sorts of footage. They later edited the footage down to an appropriate time slot and in February 2004 the slot was aired.

It was an interesting experience for all crew members of the Celtic Explorer and the National Seabed Survey team to be involved in a moving film set. Prior to the actual shoot itself there had been a lot of interaction between the research department of Stopwatch TV and the National Seabed Survey teams of both GSI and the MI (who own the Celtic Explorer). This preparatory work provided background information on the science and scientists involved in the Survey, and the rationale and the strategies involved in its execution. It enabled the TV crew to use their short filming time most productively.

Ready, camera, action...!

Tracy Walsh being interviewed about her sampling chores

Once on board the TV crew were given a tour of the ship so that they could choose what would be the best sites for camera angles and other production matters. Then a series of interviews took place with various scientists on board, some at their desks and others as they were carrying out their specific duties. A series of actual survey techniques were filmed as they happened including the deployment of a magnetometer and the acquisition of a grab sample.

As the programme is targeted at children and the general public one of the themes of the day was "life at sea" with scientists explaining about the human interest aspects of their lives offshore.

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