News 2002
G.S.I. advertises for proposals for value-added products - 20 December The following advert appears in the National Press on December 20th. It represents yet another example of G.S.I.'s commitment to the provision of a platform for organisations and individuals to propose innovative usage of the various datasets being delivered by the National Seabed Survey.
Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources National Seabed Survey The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) invites proposals to create added-value products based on the datasets produced during the National Seabed Survey (NSS). The data acquired to date under the NSS include Multibeam Bathymetry with Backscatter, Marine Magnetics and Gravity, Sub-bottom Profiling, SVP and CTD data and a variety of Ground Truthing. Proposals may involve the interpretation and customisation of existing datasets, the acquisition of additional datasets, and the development of existing or new markets. While proposals may refer to any aspects of the NSS the following have been identified as the key areas:- 1. The development of existing and new markets
for the NSS data Note that if the proposal under (1) is accepted then the marketing dimension of the other proposals may be limited and subordinate to (1) The most economically advantageous tender will be selected in any specific category having regard to the following criteria:- 1. The strategic value of proposals It is necessary that all proposals in relation to the NSS, including any which may have been submitted (but unapproved) in the past, be submitted before the deadline. Proposals must be submitted before noon on Monday 20th January 2003. It is the responsibility of proposers to ensure that proposals, in hard copy, are received at the address below before the deadline. Proposals by FAX will not be accepted. National Seabed Survey Proposals
GSI reiterates its call for public private partnership possibilities - October GSI repeats its invitation - often extended in the past at various public fora - to all parties who may be interested in holding discussions about entering into public private partnerships with regards to uses of the data from the National Seabed Survey. Our stated position is that the National Seabed Survey is not an end in itself, but rather is a baseline study which should provide a backdrop and kickstart other initiatives through innovative usage of the vast quantitiies of high quality data emanating from it.
Ground truthing Programme Concluded - 3 July
By way of example, more than 30 Box Core and 9 video stations were occupied in areas 3A and 3B towards the overall aim of studying geological processes particularly in the Rockall Trough area. The video tows concentrated primarily on newly discovered mound features. Some excellent sites in depths of 1000-3000 metres were sampled. It is likely that the mound features will prove to be seamounts as opposed to carbonate mounds but analysis will confirm whatever they might be. We are also interested in seeing if they may be populated by coral. The samples were analysed for geology, geochemistry and biology on board and were stored for shipment ashore where they are now undergoing further analysis. Further samples were taken from the West Porcupine and Porcupine Seabite areas This The material collected is being analysed for geotechnical, geochemical and biological properties.
Deep Seismic Programme Completed - 17 June
Logachev is contracted for work on the National Seabed Survey - 14 June GSI has contracted the Russian R/V Professor Logachev, owned and operated by the Polar Marine Geosurvey Expedition (PMGE), to assist the Petrov in the seabed sampling programme this year. The work is to be carried out as part of the 12th Cruise of the UNESCO/IOC Training Through Research Programme (TTR12) of the Logachev. Initial contact had been made with Professor Mikael Ivanov of the UNESCO-MSU Centre for Marine Geosciences Geology Faculty, Moscow State University and we were delighted when we learned that his office was willing to undertake this work.
The Petrov is contracted for work on the National Seabed Survey - 27 April GeoPro GMBH, Hamburg have been contracted by G.S.I. to carry out a Refraction Seismic Survey as part of the National Seabed Survey. They are employing their vessel, the R/V Akademic Boris Petrov, for the survey. This survey will take place in the Hatton Basin and Hatton Continental Margin region and its results will provide a better understanding of the deeper geology of the seabed. As an add-on to the deep seismic survey she will also be contracted to carry out a sediment sampling programme. The sampling programme will provide excellent data for specialist ground-truthing analysis.
Bligh sets sail again - 28 March The third season of data acquisition in the Irish National Seabed Survey formally got underway on the 28th March 2002 when the SV Bligh set sail again from Waterford Harbour. During her four months of inactivity in terms of sailing she had been anything but inactive alongside, where she underwent several treatments for her various ailments picked up during the long and gruelling 2001 surveying season! Also, members of the on-board surveying team spent much of the time putting the final touches to the entire dataset collected during the long season, before delivery of the finished product to the G.S.I. On March 21st she started the mobilisation process for surveying again and this concluded on March 26th. On the 27th the calibration of the EM1002 was completed followed by the calibration of the EM120 and late that evening she was on her way to Line 3759 in Area 3E to begin surveying on the 28th. There was only a small amount of surveying to be done in 3E to fill a minor gap in the north west part of this area from last year's surveying. On April 6th following completion of the gap in 3E she proceeded to 3D to survey a further tie line with an earlier study completed at the outer bounds of our territorial area in 1996 by the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of Marine & Natural Resouces. Coverage of tie lines along this survey area will ensure the seamlessness in the data when both datasets are combined. Subsequent to this she heads for her main area of interest - 3G.
LADS (Laser Airborne Depth Sounding) Survey Rescheduled - 9 March
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